Friday, September 7, 2012

If a picture is worth a thousand words... (chicken edition)

So if a picture is really worth a thousand words, than all these pictures today will save me from coming up with anything to say (witty or otherwise).  With the start of school, life has throttled into full gear with both boys starting their virtual academy studies, the husband going back to work, and me wrangling everyone and the ensuing chaos.

The short feathery report on Mob 2 consists of 43 chickens (still!) eating about 50 pounds of food a week and now big enough to be moved outside.  The change of abode from garage nursery to outdoor chicken tractor (aka The Fortress) will happen today because (1) it's warm enough, (2) the chickens have their adult feathers and (3) and probably most importantly, they're stinking up and making a mess of the garage. 

So without further ado, the chickens.

Chickens in the nursery, sans brooder

Their newest hobby, standing on the waterer plotting their escape

Why yes, I AM king of the pen


  1. They're outside now, busily pecking the heck out of the lawn. They look delicious, don't they? :)
