Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year, new effort

Currently in the blog-o-sphere, bloggers are posting a lot of look back retrospectives and look forward resolutions for the New Year.  Understandably, being as it's the start of 2013 and all.  Well, in an effort to keep up with current trends I'm jumping on the look forward bandwagon (since the look back would primarily be about chickens, and I think we've had enough of that for awhile).  Herewith is my obligatory discussion on my resolutions for 2013.

Actually, I don't make resolutions (sounds like the making for a really short blog post, doesn't it?).  I'm of the camp that thinks New Year's resolutions are actually just a recipe for setting oneself up for failure and the resulting self-flagellation that usually follows.  Not being a fan of self-flagellation, instead, I like to set intentions.  What do I mean by that?  Basically, instead of making hard and fast resolutions which require a lot of manufactured will-power and self-determination which ultimately sputters out in early spring, I fix my mind on a more general guideline that then can be spun off into more concrete goals.  For example, instead of making a resolution of losing 10 pounds which would necessitate companion resolutions of exercising x number of times per week and going on some kind of restrictive diet, I instead set an intention of living a more healthy lifestyle.  For me this currently looks like adding more movement and exercise in my life, doing a Whole30 Challenge this month and making a commitment to getting more sleep.  It also allows me to add mental health aspects if I so desire, like giving myself the gift of an afternoon off or getting back into journaling.  I like the flexibility this affords me, the lack of pressure to live up to some (often) arbitrary goal.  I also like how setting an intention focuses on the positive instead of on the razor edge of failure resolutions seem to tiptoe along.  In a way intentions vs. resolutions may seem a bit like a po-tae-toe po-tah-toe kind of argument, but for me it's a healthier mental exercise that allows for more authentic and evolving year long goals and habit patterns.

So join me, won't you, in setting some healthy intentions and let's make this the best year yet.

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