Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Most Important Meal of the Day

Or is it?

Hard to say, I'm mostly a big fan of any meal regardless of time of day but will admit to breakfast holding a special place in my heart (or stomach).  In this country there is something comforting about breakfast and breakfast foods, at least if the plethora of pancake houses serving breakfast 24-7 are anything to go by.  But if you're a Whole30/paleo/primal kind of person what can you to do for your morning repast?  American breakfasts are notoriously carbohydrate-centric, enough to induce a glucose-overload coma.  Eggs represent a natural fall-back and, of course, bacon - seriously, folks, you really can't go wrong with a nice plate of scrambled eggs with a side of bacon or a lovely veggie omelet with a side of bacon or a mushroom and ham frittata with a side of bacon (see the pattern here?).  But after a week of exploring all the possible reincarnations of the egg (with a side of bacon), you might be looking for something to liven up the ol' breakfast routine.  Of course, a little searching on the Interwebs will produce a bevy of paleo knock-offs of the old stand-bys like paleo pancakes, paleo waffles and even paleo sticky sweet pastries.  And while these foods are all fine and technically paleo/primal legal, they also may represent the beginning of a slippery slope back into carb consumption.  Or if you're eating strict Whole30, they're just not an option because of the addition of sweeteners (sometimes lots and LOTS of sweeteners).  And honestly, most (not all) fall short of the mark when compared to the original.

So here are a few of my fav go-to suggestions for the opening meal of the day.

Sweet Potato Carrot Cakes.  I love these little morsels from Multiply Delicious, especially when sandwiched around a sausage patty and tomato with schmear of mayo.  Make a big batch and use throughout the week for breakfast sandwiches or on their own.  Seriously good stuff. 

Paleo Granola.  Full of nutty goodness, especially tasty with a generous splash of coconut or almond milk.  Two recipes I prefer:  Pumpkin Granola from PaleOMG and Apple Pie Paleo Granola from Multiply Delicious.  Both contain maple sweetener, so technically not Whole30 legal, but something to look forward to when you're done.

Banana Nut Porridge.  Oh. My. Goodness.  This stuff is so yummy and satisfying and filling, especially on a cold day.  I'm a bit of an oatmeal fan, as evidenced by the fact I CRAVED oatmeal and tuna (not together, ew!) when pregnant with oldest, and this recipe from Against All Grain is way better than standard fare oatmeal. In my humble opinion.

Bacon Cups.  So how about those eggs baked in your bacon?  Oh yeah!  Easy, delicious recipe from Fat Girl Trapped in a Skinny Body.

Green Monster Spinach Smoothie.  I slurped one of these down for breakfast this morning.  Easy to make, surprisingly satisfying and an awesome way to get a big dose of vegetables vegetables vegetables.  A few mods need to be made to this recipe from Iowa Girl Eats to make it Whole30 legal - I used full fat coconut milk instead of greek yogurt, almond butter instead of the pb and added a generous shake of cinnamon and a splash of vanilla (for fun).  Looking for more smoothie recipes?  Amy at Simply Sugar & Gluten Free put together a list of Five Fantastic Smoothies to liven up your blender.  Or just throw some berries, coconut milk and a banana in, give it a whirl and enjoy!

Other excellent idea lists for paleo/primal breakfasts can be found at Mark's Daily Apple and Eat Drink Paleo.

Bon Appetit!

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